
About Scary Conversations

Aaron Klinefelter has started a scary conversation about folks who do ministry being paid for their efforts. Wonderful read, including the copious comments he has already had. Here are my reflections on the matter. Admittedly, I don't really know what I am talking about, but, I thought I would give it a try anyway.

Bringing together some of the thoughts already expressed, here is a thought, which probably counts for nothing...

So, what you perhaps end up with is the communitarian expression lived out by the Anabaptists in this country. Or, maybe, its the expression practiced by the Brothers and Sisters of Charity, at the Little Portion Hermitage, in Arkansas. Or maybe its V&B or VC in Cincinnati. Or, maybe, it's the parish church. In any case, the idea is that we draw strength for the journey from the experience of God's Grace and Mercy enfleshed in real life together. For married people and children, this should be something they experience first in the family (see Ephesians 5). For singles and committed celibates, lots of options, huh. But, in my opinion, whatever the expression, the focus should be on relying on the Grace and Mercy of God to end up with really transformed lives -- true selves, to use Mertonesque language.

And this is what Paul was up to, as Alan Creech already stated in his comments. Paul was going around planting, starting, encouraging, proclaiming. And not really of his own account, really. He had commissions, both from the Lord and from the other apostles, no. IMHO, he saw himself as no lone ranger, but as part of the larger group of believers, etc. So, in that sense, 1 Cor 9 can be seen as an admonition that the believers should see him as one of them, and extend the same interdependence to him as to one another and to folks in other local groups of believers who were in need. This isn't coming out to clearly, but I hope you get my meaning.
Now for the problems/challenges ...

Our Brokenness because of the Fall

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